It all began with…

A mama, gardener, educator, foodie, and health enthusiast who was tired of knowing too much about the importance of food’s effects on overall wellness and was too exhausted, too stressed, and too scheduled to do anything about it. A choice was made in the summer of 2022 to pivot from 12 years in education to focus on where my heart called-feet in the soil, dirt under nails, head in the sun, spirit filled by the touch of each seed and plant, and ripe fresh tomato juice running down the side of my cheeks from a bountiful harvest. With a B.S. in Health Promotion & Disease Prevention, an MBA, countless seasons filled with composting, planting, harvesting, and a foundation in herbalism and ecowomanism, it was time to make some life-giving moves. And oh what a joy it has been!

Our Backyard was created with a vision to achieve optimal health through food, fun, and community. Largely focusing on growing what we eat, science has shown us the profound effects whole foods have on our longevity, clarity, energy levels, mental health, and the list goes on. But we know that access, knowledge, and desire all play a HUGE part in how food shows up in our everyday lives. We are here to simplify health habits through the endless benefits that come from growing your own food. It is our goal to have communities across the globe reach ultra wellness through the creation and utilization of their personalized kitchen gardens.

We seek to create opportunities for every person to grow the most nutrient-dense, whole foods in their backyard (space they live/reside/call home/have access to) no matter how big or small. Where there is space, something can grow, so let it be whole.

Come join us on the journey!


Founder & Owner

The Invitation

We invite you to become a student of nature.

We love to unveil the wisdom that stems from your family’s food history and share Afro-indigenous agricultural practices that hold their relationship with nature as key to longevity and holistic health. 

We invite you to heal from the inside out.

We build beautiful gardens, but the true beauty is the growth that happens within you. We seek to see ourselves and our clients prioritize a nutrient-dense diet filled with whole, homegrown, local foods over processed, refined faux food. We choose to eat from the plants, not factory plants.

We invite you to simplicity.

Nobody has time for complex growing systems. We focus on creating simple growing habits that will make access to healthy options attainable and sustainable.